candida leaky gut gut health

Healing From Candida & Leaky Gut

The term ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ is a relatively new one in the field of medicine and optimal health. It is now known that this gut health issue can lead to several serious digestive disorders such as Crohns, ulcerative colitis and celiac disease. The growing number of people in western population that has not only these problems but also food intolerances, Ibs and allergies shows that Leaky Gut is fast becoming a debilitating health problem in society.

The discovery of leaky gut has happened due to the increasing number of people suffering from its effects. Fifty years ago it was unheard of, even 30 years ago few would have suffered from it, so what has caused this dangerous and uncomfortable disease to evolve?
Sadly it is our own overuse of antibiotics and diet of increased sugar consumption that has been the primary factor.

Candida Overgrowth & Leaky Gut

Most will have heard of the yeast called candida albicans. In an ideal homeostasis state it lives harmlessly in the gut working to break down food and waste. It is part of our natural gut biome which supports digestion. A delicate balance of bacteria and yeast leads to healthy digestion and wellbeing. With the use of antibiotics, not just in medicine but also in farming, we frequently kill off our gut bacteria that keep the candida organism levels hospitable. Add to that problem our consumption of sugar, the ideal food source of candida, and you have the perfect storm for candida to bloom and grow exponentially.

Candida exists in two forms, the harmless yeast in a heathy gut, and the more dangerous fungal buds and tendrils that it can evolve into. When given the perfect medium to grow in our guts it will bury through the gut lining causing microscopic holes. It uses these holes to escape the confines it had of the gut and reach the blood stream where it can then populate throughout the body. This type of host invasion is called candidiasis. The patient now has the holes created by the fungus in the gut lining letting not only candida escape but also food particles. Clearly, these food particles are supposed to be inside the gut, not floating in the bloodstream and the immune response system will immediately take action causing inflammation, pain and allergic response.

GAPS: Best diet for candida and leaky gut

This ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ can be extremely difficult to live with and also lead to several serious gut health disorders, so what can you do to prevent or even heal a damaged leaky gut? Well there is good news here. Once you have identified the problem it is half the battle to getting back to good gut health. With a candida cleanse and a strict healing protocol, you can heal your own gut without doctors medications or expensive treatments, just by good common sense and some patience. Here is our advised methods to reverse the damage done by candida and heal Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Step One – bring your gut biome back into balance with GAPS diet healing protocol

The GAPS diet is the best method for sealing the gut using bone broth to provide the essential nutrients for the gut to heal. You will need to follow it very strictly with the introduction stage and not skip to the standard diet stage. Bone broth fasting is your key to sealing the gut.

Bone broth fast for candida and leaky gut

The reason bone broth works so well is it comes packed with collagen, proline and glycine, which work great together to mend the damaged cell walls of your gut.  Plus the fast itself gives your digestive system a much needed holiday and the timeout it needs to repair.

gaps diet candid and leaky gut to restore health

Step Two – cleanse candida from bloodstream once gut sealed

Once the gut is sealed, usually a couple of weeks, you should do a candida cleanse to get rid of any fungus that has escaped from the leaky gut and also bring in balance to your yeast – bacteria ratio in your gut. We recommend a combination of the ccws 45 day protocol with em probiotics

Step three – re-introduce foods into your diet that previously caused inflammation to test gut.

The whole process will vary from one person to the next. It will depend on just how damaged your gut is. You can estimate the time it will take by how long your symptoms have been present – usually it takes a week for every year you have had symptoms for the gut to seal. So for example 3 years of gut issues would mean 3 weeks usually on strict GAPS diet protocol to seal the gut. This is the gentlest and most efficient way to heal your gut and rid your body of candida overgrowth that caused the problem. There are several supplements you can use to help the process along.

candida cell wall suppresor for fungal yeast infection

Additional supplements for healing leaky gut and candida:


This amino acid is the primary fuel source for the cells that build your gut lining. By taking extra you will be fueling your body to help create new cells lining the gut and speed up recovery process. Always be sure to use a good brand and we we recommend the powder that you can mix into a drink and sip throughout the day.

Digestive enzymes

Often with a damaged gut the processing of food can be slowed down. By taking digestive enzymes during your healing you will ensure no extra damage is done. Digestive enzymes help break down the food you eat so that your body can absorb the nutrition, vitamins and minerals, and most of all, prevent big food particles or toxins making their way down to your permeable gut where they can create all kinds of havoc.


Probiotics are a must have in the world today. Keep your good bacteria gut biome well fed and balanced with a high quality live culture probiotic with several strains of bacteria. We recommend em pro.


People often find with the GAPS diet things can slow down digestively and with waste production. Take magnesium supplements to keep everything moving smoothly.

Healing a leaky gut naturally is the safest and simplest and also healthiest way to proceed. Good luck with your healing journey, stick to the diet and the transition to good gut health can be just weeks away.

Read more about Magnesiums role in Candida & yeast infection

Shop now for our complete range of cleansing and gut health supplements to complement your GAPS diet, or discover more about our 45 day Candida Cleanse Protocol.