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This gut health stuff! WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH ME

Dysbiosis gut health candida albicans

What the heck are they talking about?
This gut health stuff!

Signs you’ve got Dysbiosis (imbalanced ratio of good to bad bacteria in your gut)

  • Digestive issues, bloating, belching, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, abdominal discomfort, indigestion
  • Bad breath
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Tiredness
  • Joint achiness
  • Allergies
  • Yeast infections
  • Lowered libido
  • Mental fog
  • Sugar cravings (including alcohol)
  • Weight gain
  • Skin problems-eczema, rashes
  • Nail fungi
  • Hyperactivity; learning and behavioral disorders
  • Depression


Any of these sound a little too familiar?

What is dysbiosis? 

Symbiosis translates to ‘living in harmony.’ Dysbiosis is the opposite, it’s when the bad guys take over.
It was first identified by Dr. Eli Metchnikoff in the early 20th century, who won a Nobel Prize for his work.  It essentially means there is an imbalance of microbial colonies. This is most common in the digestive tract, but can happen anywhere there is an exposed mucous membrane, such as the skin. The bacteria maintain a harmonious balance in a healthy digestive tract by keeping each other in check so no one specific strain can dominate. What happens in a disturbed system is a strain’s decreased efficiency at checks and balances. This can result in one colony becoming dominant and one becoming weaker.  It instigates a chronic imbalance, debilitates the good guys and compromises our system as a whole.


Yeast infection is also known as candidiasis. Candidiasis is an infection caused by numerous types of yeast called Candida. The most common type of yeast causing infection is Candida albicans.

Candida is a fungus, or yeast, that lives naturally in all our bodies. When it is in the right balance with our good gut bacteria there are no problems – it is when things get out of balance that the trouble starts. For many people, the initial imbalance occurs when we take our very first round of oral antibiotics (that is those we swallow not those we are given in hospital via an IV drip).

Unfortunately, the good bacteria in our intestinal tract are an innocent casualty of the sweeping effect of antibiotics. The job of antibiotics is to kill the bacteria that are making us sick however, because there are so many species of bacteria present in our intestines, both good and bad, antibiotics will not just kill the bad bacteria but will indiscriminately kill the good ones too. This leaves more room for the Candida that lives in our gut to grow and over-populate the intestinal tract causing a whole raft of seemingly unconnected symptoms including gas and bloating.

Intestinal Bloating

Gas and bloating occur when bacteria in the intestines digest the sugars and starches we eat. Different bacteria produce different levels of gas so, when our intestinal bacteria (flora) are out of balance we can have more of the bacteria that produce high levels of gas and this will cause more bloating. In addition to the imbalance in intestinal flora, the sugars in our diet feed an abundance of yeast in our gut causing it to ferment and, just like when making bread, our intestines begin to “rise” resulting in uncomfortable swelling and bloating.

bloating candida symptoms

How Do I Know The Cause Of My Gas And Bloating?

There are a couple of tests available to determine if you have Candida overgrowth:

*A simple IgG blood test can tell if you are reacting to yeast; if the body is irritated by yeast it will show up as a positive reaction on the test results.

*Stool testing can also be done to look for the species of yeast that is causing your problems and the quantity of overgrowth.

However in our experience, the best way to determine if Candida overgrowth is causing your symptoms is to do a Candida cleanse. For persistent Candida Yeast Infection Problems, a powerful antifungal such as CCWS Candida Cleaner should prove effective.

The CCWS Candida Cleanse Protocol – 45 days to Candida Free


ccws candida cell wall suppresor for fungal yeast infection