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my body was struggling with candida and its symptoms


I am walking around feeling lighter, brighter, and more confident


This has been the most impactful health experience I’ve ever had other than making exercise into a lifestyle.

I didn’t realize how badly my body was struggling with candida and it symptoms. I guess I simply adapted to discomfort and went about life as usual. But I feel like I’m waking up from a physical and brainfog.

The die-off is simply my usual symptoms in Hulk mode. It expresses itself angrily then calms down.

The benefits far, far, far, far, faaaarrrr outweigh the die off.

1. Mental clarity
2. Improved memory
3. Bowel regularity
4. Little to no inflamation
5. Almost no joint pain
6. Lots of energy
7. Improved libido
8. Sense of internal cleanliness
9. Weightloss
10. Quicker body response to fitness
11. Awareness of food irritants

So overall I am walking around feeling lighter, brighter, and more confident. People are taking notice and asking me what I’m doing…

Lendsey | Alabama, USA

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