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Intestinal parasites symptoms testing and treatment

Do you feel bloated after eating? Do you suddenly suffer from constipation and crave sugar? Do you have strong body odor and suffer from skin problems? You may be infected with intestinal parasites or worms.

A parasite is an organism that lives inside an animal and feeds off of him. Humans are not immune to these parasitic infections. They are most commonly transmitted through contaminated feces, water and food, poor hygiene and the contact with our pet. Intestinal parasites can be divided into 2 groups: Protozoa and Helminths. Protozoan infections are usually the ones causing “traveler’s diarrhea”, like giargia lambia or E.Coli.

Protozoa are one-cell organisms that can proliferate in the human body and cause serious health problems. They are only visible through a microscope. They can migrate from your lungs to your intestines, and then to different organs and joints, causing infections and inflammation.

Helminths are worms of all shapes and sizes that lay eggs and multiply in your guts. Their eggs are microscopic but the adults can be seen easily. Worms survive by eating all your nutrients or sucking your blood, creating deficiencies and lowering your immune system. Common infections in humans are caused by Round worms, Pin worms, Tape worms, Whip worms and Hook worms. Eliminating them is primordial if you wish to regain control of your body.

Parasite Symptoms

(Some people have parasites for years without having any symptoms.)

Abdominal pain
Itchy anus
Hair Loss
Weight gain

Constant hunger
Sugar cravings
Iron-deficiency anemia
Worms in the stool
Skin rashes
Inability to gain weight

How do I Catch Parasites?

Eating under cooked meat or fish

Meat and fish are dead organisms. It is normal that bacteria and parasites find a home in those products. Sushi and tar-tar are very popular now, not surprisingly making parasitic infections quite common. Cooking meat and fish products will kill these organisms. However, the infected eggs are in contact with your knives, cutting board and hands, and be ingested if not washed sufficiently.

International Traveling

Visiting underdeveloped countries where the water might be contaminated is a risk of getting infected with a parasite. In developed countries, we treat the water with chlorine in order to kill all bacteria. When traveling, make sure to brush your teeth with bottled water, and avoid raw food if you think that they are using tap water to wash it. You can ingest infected eggs just by swallowing water in the shower so be careful.

Poor Hygiene

Parasites can be passed around with a hand shake, on door handles, dishes and clothes. Washing your hands after visiting the bathroom can help prevent infections. Pin worms are commonly transmitted in children, at school and at day-care. They scratch their anus and do not wash their hands after. If your child complains of having an itchy anus, you should treat the whole family for pinworms and wash carefully all towels and beddings.

Owning a Pet

Pet animals like dogs and cats carry many bugs that can be transmitted with cuddles and kisses. They walk around, sniffing each others behind, bringing all sorts of parasites into the house. Different types of worms can affect dogs and cats: heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms. Clean your pets often and avoid contact with your mouth.

De-worm pets every six months to make sure they do not infect your family. This will save you a lot of trouble.

Walking Barefoot

If you walk on contaminated soil with infected feces, parasites like Hook worms can get through your skin from the bottom of your feet. They end hooking their sharp teeth into your intestines, feeding off your blood and leaving you with anemia. Wear shoes outside and slippers at home if you have animals! Wash your hands after touching your feet.

types of intestinal worms and parasites in the gut

Types of Parasitic Worms


Pinworms  are often spread by children at day care centers and schools and are highly contagious. 1/3 of all American children will get a pinworm infection in their lives, which happens when someone ingests food or liquid that is contaminated with feces. It can be as simple as someone touching an object that was touched by an infected person. The eggs hatch in the small intestine, while adult worms live in the colon. Pinworm symptoms cause itchy anus. This is caused by the female moving to the anus to deposit her eggs around that area, usually at night time. With poor hygiene, a person scratches and transfer the eggs to the fingers. Pinworm eggs can survive hours on the hands and be passed around through bedding, clothes, a toilet seat, toys, etc. Pinworm eggs may live on these contaminated objects for up to three weeks. Kids can be infected easily because they often put objects in their mouths. Note that the eggs can also be transfered from fingers to food or liquids. Since the worms are rarely seen, and that the eggs are not passed in the stool, detecting a pinworm infection usually requires a Scotch tape test. A clear tape is applied in the morning on the host’s anus, to collect eggs that can be identified under microscope.

Large Roundworms

Roundworms or nematodes, infect humans through contaminated water, and can mesure from 1 millimeter to 1 meter. An ascaris infection (ascariasis) is the most common infection, and it usually happens when someone eats food grown in soil that has been mixed with human waste, or from eating raw food that was cleaned with contaminated water, or simply by drinking water that contain round worm’s eggs. Ascariasis affect one billion people worldwide, and most commonly happen in tropical climates. First, the eggs or larvae are ingested and go into the lungs. They are then coughed up and swallowed. They become adults in the intestines, where they feed and produce eggs. They can live for a year or more, and can measure 15 to 35 cm. The principal signs and symptoms of a roundworm infection are coughing, shortness of breath, abdominal cramping, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, blood in stool and the presence of worms in the stool or vomit.


A Whipworms infection,  is caused by a parasite called Trichuris trichiura, or whipworm. They enter the human body through contaminated food and water. When the eggs are eaten, the larvae incubate in the small intestine and then attach themselves to the colon, the appendix and the anus. Adults measure form 30 to 50 mm and start producing eggs after 3 months in the host. They are thin with a curled end like a whip. They are mostly seen in children and in warmer climates or areas with poor hygiene. It is estimated that about 800 million people are infected worldwide. Common symptoms include bloody diarrhea, fecal incontinence, painful defecation, abdominal pain, headaches, weight loss, fatigue, anemia, nausea and vomiting.


Hook worms infect humans when larvae go through the skin. This usually happens when someone walks barefoot on contaminated soil or feces. The parasites will pass by the lungs and will end up in the small intestine, where they lay more eggs. Hookworms measure 5-13 mm long. They have sharp teeth that they hook in the mucus membrane of the small intestine. They feed off the blood of their host, often causing anemia. They can consume 0.2 ml of blood per day. They can survive several years. Hook worms infect 25% of the world’s population. Often, people infected report no symptoms. Common signs may include coughing, wheezing, an itchy rash, trouble breathing, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and diarrhea.


how do you get a tapeworm

World wide, more than 60 million people are infected with beef tape worms, which can measure 4 to 8 meters. About 4 million people are infected with pork tapeworms around the world. These worms are usually 3 to 5 meters long. Infections are often found in people that eat raw or under cooked meat. The largest tapeworms found in men are called “Broad” tapeworms. The eggs are usually passed when eating sushi or raw fish from fresh water or farms. The larvae will grow in the intestines and will take three to six weeks to be fully grown. Fish tapeworm infections come from the parasite Diphyllobothrium latum and are most common in America, Eastern Europe and Scandinavian countries, where we eat fish. Adults can reach a length of more than 10 meters! Symptoms caused by all tapeworms include diarrhea, fatigue, chronic hunger, weakness, constipation, anemia, weight loss and abdominal pain.

How do I Get Rid of Worms?

There are different types of treatments for parasites and worms. Drug therapies are usually effective but highly toxic. The medication will kill adult worms but not always the eggs, so the treatment might have to be repeated. Conventional treatments include Mebendazole, Ivermectin and Albdendazole. Your doctor will decide which one is best for the infection you have.
You may take a single dose and repeat it two weeks later, or your doctor may prescribe a 5 to 14 day treatment. You should get a new stool sample during the following month. Treatments are often prescribed in two cycles, separated with a week off, to avoid liver diseases and toxicity.

If you prefer a natural approach, we recommend a natural parasite treatment that contains all the herbs that can safely kill and remove them from your digestive system. They include wormwood, black walnut and clove. Be aware that an effective treatment can take up to 3 months. Performing enemas during the cleanse will help eliminate the dead worms in your bowels. Avoiding sugars and processed foods is also beneficial. Consuming anti-fungal foods like turmeric, garlic, clove, onion, hot peppers, oregano oil and grapeseed extract has also been shown to be effective. If you are up for it, try our candida cleanse protocol after your parasite treatment, to get maximum results.

The Best Natural Parasite Treatment

The best natural and gentle way to eliminate parasites is to combine a natural parasite cleanse treatment with fasting and colon cleansing or enemas. Eliminating food during the cleanse starves the adult parasites which are then flushed by enemas. A natural parasite cleanse treatment can be followed at the same time as you do a detox.

Fasting will only increase the benefits to your parasite cleanse treatment. Candida Labs have selected natural ingredients to eliminate parasites and their toxic waste, allowing you to regain your health and normal balance. Green Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood & Common Cloves  have been shown to be effective at removing parasites from the digestive track. Zeoco has the ability to absorb the toxins left behind, leaving your bowels free of all those harmful substances.

Get rid of parasites now with the All Natural Parasite Power Cleanse

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